Saturday, September 26, 2009

Susan Boyle, British's got talent

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sadarkah anda bahwa langit Indonesia tidak biru lagi? Beberapa waktu lalu di Jakarta terpampang sebuah billboard dengan gambar jalanan di ibukota yang dipadati kendaraan bermotor yang berlatar belakang langit berwarna abu-abu. Warna abu-abu tersebut bukan karena mendung, tetapi ingin menggambarkan bahwa langit kita, khususnya Jakarta sudah tidak lagi berwarna biru cerah. Apa yang digambarkan oleh billboard tersebut seharusnya menyadarkan kita bahwa langit yang berwarna abu-abu itu menandakan bahwa udara di sekitar kita yang kita hirup setiap hari juga tercemar.
Kita semua tahu bahwa asap kendaraan bermotor adalah penyumbang terbesar polusi di Jakarta. Saat ini kemacetan yang selalu kita hadapi selama berkendara menandakan bahwa semakin tingginya jumlah kendaraan bermotor yang beroperasi di jalan-jalan ibukota. Kendaraan tersebut belum tentu semuanya ramah lingkungan sehingga asap pembuangannya bisa sangat berbahaya. Belum lagi jika kita lihat bus-bus yang beroperasi adalah bus-bus lama yang seharusnya sudah lewat dari usia kelayakannya. Asap yang dihasilkan oleh bus tersebut benar-benar mengerikan dengan warnanya yang kehitaman. Semua hal tersebut akhirnya bersatu di udara dan membuat langit di Jakarta tertutup asap sehingga warna terlihat keabu-abuan.
Selain asap dari kendaraan bermotor tersebut, faktor lain yang membuat warna langit tidak biru lagi adalah kebakaran hutan yang terjadi belakangan ini. Asap dari kebakaran hutan tersebut bahkan sampai ke negara tetangga dan bukan hanya mengubah warna langit tetapi juga sangat berbahaya bagi penerbangan karena asap tersebut memperpendek jarak pandang pilot.
Asap dari kebakaran hutan dan gas pembuangan dari kendaraan bermotor sama-sama menyebankan karbondioksida semakin meningkat. Hal ini dapat berbahaya bagi kesehatan, baik kesehatan organ dalam seperti saluran pernapasan maupun bagian luar tubuh kita, seperti kulit dan mata. Asap kendaraan terkadang membuat pernapasan kita terganggu atau sesak napas dan membuat mata teriritasi. Lebih jauh lagi apabila itu terjadi terus menerus, lama-kelamaan zat-zat berbahaya yang terhirup tadi akan mengendap dalam tubuh kita dan menyebabkan penyakit lain yang lebih berbahaya.
Diposkan oleh Better Blue di 05:04 0 komentar
Langgan: Entri (Atom)

Kegiatan P' Budi

Kegiatan Saya pada Akhir PekanPosted by: pakbudi October 29, 2008 No Comment
Hai semua! Apa kabar? Baik-baik saja, kan? Saya akan bercerita tentang kegiatan saya pada akhir pekan yang lalu. Hari Sabtu kemarin cuaca di kota Perth bagus sekali, tidak terlalu dingin, tetapi sejuk. Karena itu, saya pergi bersepeda di tepi sungai Swan. Saya berangkat dari rumah jam sembilan pagi, sampai di tepi sungai Swan jam setengah sepuluh. Saya suka sekali melihat pemandang di tepi sungai Swan. Ada gedung-gedung yang tinggi dan juga taman-taman yang indah. Saya bersepeda selama dua jam, lalu saya pergi ke sebuah rumah makan di Northbridge untuk makan siang, kemudian pulang ke rumah.
Pada hari Minggu saya pergi berenang di pusat olahraga Beatty Park di Jl. Vincent No. 220 Perth Utara. Ada banyak orang yang pergi berenang pada hari itu. Ada banyak anak-anak kecil dan remaja. Tetapi ada juga orang dewasa dan orang tua.
Demikian cerita tentang kegiatan akhir pekan saya. Apa yang Anda lakukan pada akhir pekan? Saya tunggu cerita tentang kegiatan akhir pekan Anda semua.
Pak Budi
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Kunjungan Murid2 ke Konsulat RI di Perth

Kunjungan Murid-murid Mirrabooka SHS ke Konsulat RI di PerthPosted by: pakbudi December 10, 2008 No Comment

Delapan belas murid kelas sembilan Mirrabooka SHS mengikuti kegiatan kunjungan ke Konsulat Republik Indonesia di Perth pada tanggal 27 November 2008. Rombongan tiba di Konsulat RI pada jam setengah sebelas dan diterima oleh staff Konsulat RI, Bapak Anon Suneko dan Ibu Cynthia.
Acara dimulai dengan pengenalan terhadap budaya Indonesia melalui media video. Bapak Anon menunjukkan video acara Cultural Night di Margaret River. Salah satu penampilan yang menarik adalah penampilan grup musik dari Konsulat RI yang menampilkan musik tradisional dan musik modern. Selain itu, murid-murid juga tertarik dengan penampilan tari Saman dari Aceh. Bahkan, sesudah itu murid-murid dan guru dari SMU Mirrabooka mendapat kesempatan untuk berlatih beberapa gerakan tari Saman. Ibu Cynthia memberi arahan kepada para murid dan guru untuk duduk bersimpuh di lantai dan mengikuti aba-aba dari beliau. Gerakan yang dilatih adalah gerakan yang menyerupai ombak sebagai bagian dari tari Saman yang merupakan tarian dari para nelayan yang hidup di daerah Aceh. Lalu, acara dilanjutkan dengan pengenalan musik gamelan kepada para murid. Dengan arahan dari Bapak Anon, para murid dapat memainkan beberapa lagu sederhana dari daerah Jawa. Mereka pun terlihat begitu menikmati pengalaman baru ini. Akhirnya, kegiatan kunjungan ditutup dengan acara makan siang di Rumah Makan Indonesia Indah di Jl. Barrack. Menu yang disajikan cukup spesial, gado-gado, rendang dan ayam goreng. Tidak lupa nasi goreng dan kerupuk. Sebagai sajian penutup adalah segelas es cendol. Beberapa anak menyukainya, tapi beberapa murid merasa minuman ini terlalu asing dan mereka enggan mencoba. Tetapi, hari itu sungguh hari yang penuh dengan banyak pengalaman baru bagi kami. Terima kasih banyak kepada staff Konsulat RI di Perth.
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Langit Biru Indonesia

Walaupun saat ini langit sudah tidak berwarna biru cerah lagi, namun masih ada harapan apabila kita mau berusaha bersama-sama untuk membuat langit kembali biru….
· Yang pertama, kesadaran itu harus dimulai dari diri sendiri. Selama ini, tanpa sadar kita sering mengeluhakn peraturan three in one yang diberlakukan oleh pemerintah Jakarta. Peraturan yang dibuat untuk mengurangi volume kendaraan dan kemacetan ini ternyata juga dapat membantu mengurangi polusi dari asap kendaraan bermotor. Untuk mereka yang punya mobil dan tau bahwa teman atau kenalannya juga punya arah tujuan yang sama, bisa pergi bersama dengan satu mobil saja.
· Bisa juga dengan kembali ke cara tradisional, apabila jarak ke tujuan tidak terlalu jauh, kita bisa berjalan kaki atau naik sepeda. Saat ini banyak orang yang naik sepeda ke kantor atau ke tempat kuliah, bahkan kalau kita lihat kaum socialite di Hollywood juga lebih suka berjalan kaki atau naik sepeda. Jadi seharusnya kita tidak perlu gengsi atau malu lagi.
· Satu orang satu pohon, dukung kampanye tersebut. Pohon terbukti sebagai penghasil oksigen bagi bumi kita. Dengan menanam pohon setidaknya bisa menyerap karbondioksida dan diolah oleh pohon tersebut menjadi oksigen. Dengan begitu akan mempercepat langit kita menjadi biru kembali.
Masih banya cara-cara lain yang dapat kita usahakan. Jadi, jika punya cara yang mudah dan unik bisa dibagikan untuk kita semua….

Friday, August 28, 2009

Name : Hendra (0812157005)
Why Learn English?
English is an international language, it is spoken by more than a billion people in the world, whether as a first, second or foreign language. There are three reasons, at least, why we need to learn English. First, English is a business language. Second, English is a technology language. And third, English is an academic language.
First, beside, English as an international language, English is, also, a business language. It is a language for those who want to do business internationally. If one wishes to do business with someone from different country, they must be able to use English as a way of communication. It is the bridge for businessmen from all over the world to do business. If one needs to master the language to whom they are going to have business, it would be so inconvenience.
Second, English is used in the field of technology. It cannot be denied that, nowadays, technology is so much developed, specially, in terms of computer. Thanks to America that develops this technology, which is an English speaking country. Thus, anyone wishes to learn the technology must learn about the language used in that technology. Take for example is internet. People can find almost anything from ladies’ needs to men’s needs, from cooking recipe to car modification.
Third, last but not least is, English used in academic purpose. America, United Kingdom, and Australia have become places for students from all over the world to pursue their study. Since, those three countries are using English in teaching, thus, those who wish to study there must learn English. English becomes the media in delivering the knowledge of the study.
With all the factors above, we can conclude that English is an important language. It is a widely spoken language all over the world. It is the language that bridging people from different country. Without English, people might find difficulty to communicate from one to another, specially, those who are from different country.


Latihan Kegiatan Belajar I ( Apa, mengapa,dan bagaimana pekerjaan profesi )
1. Jelaskan pengertian profesi, professional, profesionalisme , profesionalitas dan profesionalisasi !
Jawab :
Profesi adalah suatu jabatan atau pekerjaan yang menuntut keahlian ( expertise ) dari para anggotanya, artinya tidak bisa dilakukan oleh sembarang orang yang tidak terlatih dan tidak dipersiapkan secara khusus untuk melakukan pekerjaan itu.
Profesional adalah diartikan pada 2 hal yaitu yang pertama ,orang yang menyandang suatu profesi dan yang kedua, penampilan seseorang dalam melakukan pekerjaannya yang sesuai dengan profesinya.
Profesionalisme adalah menunjukkan komitmen para anggota suatu profesi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan profesionalnya dan terus menerus mengembangkan strategi – strategi yang digunakan dalam melakukan pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan profesinya.
Profesionalitas adalah sikap para anggota profesi terhadap profesinya serta derajat pengetahuan dan keahlian yang mereka miliki dalam rangka melakukan pekerjaannya.
Profesionalisasi adalah proses peningkaan kualifikasi maupun kemampuan para anggota profesi dalam mencapai criteria yang standar dalam penampilannya sebagai suatu profesi.
2. Apa perbedaan mendasar antara profesi dan teknisi ( non profesi ) !
Jawab : perbedaannya adalah untuk profesi harus melalui pendidikan tinggi dan memiliki lembaga pendidikan yang khusus, sedangkan teknisi tidak melalui pendidikan yang tinggi dan tidak memiliki lembaga pendidkan yang khusus.

3. Sebutkan persamaan dan perbedaan cirri-ciri profesi antara Rochman Natawijaya dengan D. Westby Gibson !
Jawab :
Persamaannya : baik Rochman dan Westby mengatakan bahwa cirri-ciri profesi adalah adanya pengakuan masyarakat terhadap pekerjaan atau pelayanan itu serta adanya atau dimilikinya organisasi yang mewadahinya.
Perbedaannya :
Rochman mengatakan adanya standart kerja, ada etika atau kode etik, ada lembaga pendidikan khusus, ada system imbalan.
Westby mengatakan perlunya persiapan, memiliki sekumpulan bidang ilmu, adanya mekanisme.
4. Jelaskan ciri-ciri profesi menurut anda !
jawab : menurut saya profesi adalah pekerjaan yang mempunyai keahlian, merupakan mata pencaharian dan yang tidak dapat diubah-ubah.
5. Sebutkan pekerjaan apa saja yang dikategorikan profesi berdasarkan ciri-cirinya !
Jawab: Dokter dan pengacara.

Latihan Kegiatan Belajar II ( profesi keguruan )
1. Jelaskan pengertian profesi keguruan !
Jawab : yaitu profesi yang melayani masyarakat dalm bidang pendidikan/ dalam dunia pendidikan.
2. Mengapa jabatan guru termasuk jabatan yang semiprofessional ?
Jawab : yang dimaksud sebagai jabatan semiprofessional adalah karena ada sebagian masyarakat yang mengangggap guru sebagai profesi tetapi ada juga yang belum menganggap sabagai profesi namun sedang menuju kearah profesi, hal ini terjadi karena tidak semua guru berasal dari lulusan pendidikan guru atau mempunyai akta mengajar sehingga belum dianggap sebagai jabatan profesi yang seutuhnya.
3. Dari syarat yang sudah dipelajari syarat apa yang menurutmu sulit terpenuhi oleh jabatan guru professional ?
Jawab : syarat kompetensi personal dan kompetensi sosial
4. Mengapa perlu adanya profesionalisasi dalam pendidikan ?
Jawab : untuk menjaga kualitas guru dan meningkat kompetensi guru.
5. Menurutmu masih adakah kompetensi-kompetensi yang harus dimiliki oleh guru ?
Jawab : masih ada yaitu, guru harus:
a. Inovatif=penuh dengan ide-ide
b. Inisiatif=dalam hal membantu
c. Influencing= mempunyai dampak baik terhadap murid maupun masyarakat
d. Integrity=integritas atau berwibawa
e. Caring=peduli terhadap sesama dan lingkungan
f. Commitment=dalam pekerjaannya

Latihan Kegiatan Belajar III ( Ciri-ciri profesi keguruan )
1. Tahap perkembangan apa yang harus ditempuh dalam suatu proses profesionalisasi ?
Jawab : tahap perkembangan untuk menjadi professional meliputi :
a. guru bekerja dengan memberi pelayanan
b. guru mempunyai lisensi mengajar
c. guru mempunyai pemahaman dan ketrampilan yang tinggi cara mendidik
d. guru harus mengikuti perkembangan jaman
e. guru harus selalu mengikuti seminar, pelatihan, workshop dll
f. guru harus mempunyai etika dan nilai yang berfungsi secara nasional.

2. Bandingkan pendapat Robert W dengan NEA tentang cirri profesi dan sebutkan persamaan serta perbedaannya !
Jawab :
Persamaan : keduanya mengemukaan bahwa cirri profesi adalah melibatkan intelektual,mempunyai ilmu serta ketrampilan dan mampu mengembangkannya,perlu latihan yang terus menerus, mementingkan layanan masyarakat daripada kepentingan pribadi, merupakan karier hidup dan mempunyai organisasi.
Perbedaannya : Robert mengatakan bahwa guru harus memiliki lisensi sedangkan NEA tidak mengatakan demikian, NEA mengatakn bahwa guru sebagai profesi yang memerlukan persiapan yang lam sedangkan Robert tidak mengatakan demikian.
3. Jelaskan pendapat tentang mengajar sebagai suatu ilmu dan mengajar sebgai suatu seni !
Jawab : mengajar sebagai suatu ilmu lebih mengarah kepada tuntutan akademis, sedangkan mengajar sebagai suatu seni adalah kemampuan guru dalam menyampaikan suatu pelajaran dengan menarik sehingga mudah dimengerti oleh murid.
4. Menurutmu guru di Indonesia sudah memenuhi syarat profesi ?
Jawab : belum sepenuhnya

5. Perhatikan kode etik guru. Hal apa saja yang belum dapat memenuhi syarat profesi ?
Jawab : Minimnya informasi / sosialisasi mengenai peraturan /kebijaksanaan pemerintah. Adanya campur tangan orang tua murid dalam hal sekolah mengambil kebijaksanaan sehingga sulit menerapkan kode etik guru secara maksimal.

Latihan Kegiatan Belajar IV ( Latar belakang profesi keguruan )
1. Jelaskan latar belakang pengangkatan guru pada jaman Hindia Belanda !
Jawab : Latar belakang pengangkatan guru pada jaman itu dikarenakan adanya kebutuhan yang mendesak dimana pada waktu guru Indonesia diangkat dari orang – orang tidak berpendidikan khusus untuk memangku jabatan guru, kemudian secara berangsur-angsur dilengkapi dan ditambah dengan guru-guru yang lulus dari sekolah guru ( kweekschool ) yang didirikan di Solo tahun 1852. Kemudian Pemerintah Hindia Belanda mengankat 5 macam guru yaitu 1. Guru lulusan sekolah guru 2. Guru yang bukan dari sekolah guru tetapi lulus ujian yang diadakan untuk menjadi guru, 3. Guru bantu 4. Guru magang 5. Guru yang diangkat mendesak yang berasal dari masyarakat yang pernah mengecap pendidikan.
2. Jelaskan fungsi organisasi professional !
· Untuk menyatukan gerak langkah dan mengendalikan keseluruhan profesi.
· Mempertinggi kesadaran, sikap, mutu, dan kegiatan profesi guru serta meningkatkan kesejahteraan guru.
3. Organisasi profesi guru bukan hanya PGRI saja jelaskan mengapa bisa demikian !
Jawab: Karna PGRI sendiri belum bisa mengakomodir semua kebutuhan yang ada. Contoh: MGMP didirikan untuk guru mata pelajaran, ISPI didirikan untuk para lulusan sarjana pendidkan, dan lain sebagainya.
4. Jelaskan misi utama PGRI !
Jawab : dalam PGRI ada 4 misi yaitu
a. Misi politis/ideologis
b. Misi persatuan
c. Misi profesi
d. Misi kesejahteraan
Dari keempat misi tsb yang menonjol / utama adalah misi politis dan misi persatuan.
Sehingga misi utama PGRI dapat dikatakan sbb : sebagai perwujudan aspirasi guru Indonesia dalam mewujudkan cita-cita perjuangan bangsa.
5. Jelaskan tujuan didirikannya organisasi profesi guru !
Jawab : agar para guru mempunyai wadah untuk menyatukan gerak langkah dan mengendalikan keseluruhan profesi yaitu organisasi profesi.

Latihan Kegiatan Belajar V ( Ruang lingkup profesi keguruan )
1. Sebutkan bidang –bidang layanan guru menurut Mortensen dan schmuller!
Jawab : Bidang layanan meliputi layanan instruksional, bidang layanan bantuan dan bidang layanan administrasi.
2. Sebutkan ruang lingkup kerja guru menurut Mendiknas!
Jawab : ruang lingkup guru dapat dibagi 2 meliputi
a. Gugus pengetahuan dan penguasaan teknik dasar profesional
b. Gugus kemampuan profesional
3. Hal apa saja yang merupakan keandalan guru dalam melaksanakan profesinya.
Jawab : guru yang andal harus memiliki kemampuan sebagai berikut :
1. Menguasai bahan
2. Mengelola program belajar mengajar
3. Menggunakan media / sumber
4. Mengelola kelas
5. Menguasai landasan pendidikan
6. Mengelola interaksi belajar mengajar
7. Menilai prestasi siswa
8. Melakukan program layanan bimbingan konseling
9. Menyelenggarakan administrasi sekolah
10. Memahami prinsip-prinsip dan menafsirkan hasil-hasil penelitian pendidikan guna keperluan pengajaran.
4. Bandingkan pendapat Soedijarto dengan Udi Turmudi tentang kemampuan yang harus dimiliki oleh profesi guru
Jawab :
Menurut Soedijarto

Menurut Udi Turmudi sesuai dengan gambar di bawah ini :

5. Jelaskan aspek kompetensi keguruan yang bersifat transaksionl.
Jawab : seorang guru dalam melaksanakan program belajar mengajar diperlukan lebih daripada sekedar ketrampilan bahkan seorang guru didalam kesempatan yang berbeda mungkin melaksanakan sesuatu kompetensi secara berbeda sesuai dengan tujuan, materi,peralatan dan terlebih pada siswa yang berbeda –beda.

The importance of Cultural Teaching in a Foreign Language study
I. Introduction
To study a foreign language means to study its culture. Language and culture is never separated. If we want to learn a certain language, it means we must learn also its culture. Language is not the only culture that a country has.
II. Elements of culture
In order to learn a culture, we must understand its elements. Elements of culture is divided into two parts, they are visible elements and invisible elements.
A. Visible elements include:
1. History
Of course, we do not have to learn all about its history, but knowing a little about its history will make us understand the country better
2. Social Institutions.
Social Institutions like Red Cross is a very helpful organization in helping the society especially when they are facing natural disaster. From this point, we can learn that, people over there are very caring for their society.
3. Music
Music can talk a lot about one’s culture. From the types of song until its musical instruments, they all reflect the culture.
4. Architecture
We can learn a culture from its building, on how they build a certain building, what material they use and also the design of that building.
5. Literature
From literature, we can actually see how old has that culture existed, how well educated is that society and how they appreciate their culture.
B. Invisible elements:
They mean the culturally influenced beliefs and perceptions. For example, it is consider not polite to ask a women’s age.
III. Why it is important to teach foreign culture.
Many people often cannot accept one’s culture simply because they do not understand that culture. People easily get upset over certain culture, they disrespect or even look down on other culture. That is why it is important to teach foreign culture, so that people will understand and respect each other’s culture. Thus, nobody thinks his or her culture is more superior than the others.
IV. Conclusion
When people can accept and respect each other’s cultures, they will no longer see the difference. Finally, isn’t it good to be able to live under the same sun and the same moon?

Prepared by,


A little information about Venice
Venice can be easily reached from Italy either by train or by bus. Venice has an airport called Marco Polo offers direct flights to and from many cities. From the airport to the city, you can take water taxis. But, if you are looking for a cheaper, though longer, you may try water bus. Venice is shaped like a fish with the canals as the major thoroughfares. Don’t forget to bring rubber boots and carry an umbrella as downpours and street flooding is not uncommon. November is the city’s wettest month with the temperatures ranging from 10-15 C.

Sticky Betawi Heritage
Sticky Betawi heritage or usually known as “Dodol” is a traditional Betawi delicacy. It is made of sticky rice cooked with brown sugar. Dodol has become a must in every Lebaran celebration. The ingredients of the dodol are rice powder, brown sugar and coconut milk. All the ingredients must be continuously stirred until it is finished cooking.

Let’s recycle
Do you realize that one used plastic cup if it is thrown into the river or sea, it will, one by one, cover up all the bottom of the river or the sea and after some time the pile of the used plastic cup could mount up like a mountain.
The pile up of the used plastic cup that has been piled up for long will change into small pieces of debris of the size like plankton. And these plankton like debris will be eaten up by the fish and the fish will be consumed by humans. If it is so, it will be hazardous to consume the fish.
So, let’s recycle, reuse, and reduce whatever possible, especially, plastic cup.

Jakarta needs a monorail
Jakarta is one of the most populated cities in the world. There are about 12 million people who are either working or living in Jakarta. Thus, transportation is surely a serious problem. Right now, Jakarta has only the buses and the busway to serve the commuters. And, it is far from comfortable.
To compare, a monorail can travel up to 150 kilometers an hour; a car’s maximum speed is about 60 kilometers an hour (around the city); while motorcycle can reached about 80 kilometers. With this data, it is clearly stated that, Jakarta needs a monorail. Besides its bigger capacity, it is also more efficient in terms of time, cost, and energy. And the most important is, its low pollution.

If Conditionals
I. Introduction.
1.1 Background of the study.
One of the most confusing grammatical aspects of English is “If Conditionals” sentences. Not many books, actually, discuss this notion. There are some different opinions from one teacher to another teacher about how many types of “If Conditionals” sentences are all together. Some books say that there are only 3 types of “If Conditionals” sentences. For example, English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy, published by Cambridge University Press, states only 3 types of the “If Conditionals” sentences. They are the first, the second and the third types of the “If Conditionals”, while, Understanding and Using English Grammar by Betty S. Azar, published by Prentice Hall, states that there are 5 types of the “If Conditionals”. Advance Learners’ Grammar by Mark Foley & Diane Hall, published by Longman, also, states that there are 5 types of “If Conditional” sentences. The 5 types of the “If Conditionals” sentences are, zero type, first, second, third, and mix type.
An “If Conditional” sentence is a conditional sentence that use “If” in the conditional clause. According to Advance Learners’ Grammar by Mark Foley & Diane Hall, published by Longman, conditional sentences usually consist of two clauses: a conditional clause (or “if” clause) and a main clause (or result clause). The result in the main clause is dependent on the condition in the conditional clause. The types of verbs used in each clause are different from one type to another type. The types of verbs used, are dependent on the meaning of the “If clause” or the situation. If the situation is true in the present or in the future, thus, the “If clause” verb is in simple present form, and the “result clause” is in simple future tense. But, if the situation is untrue in the present/future, then, the “if clause” is using simple past tense, while the “result clause” uses “would” + simple present. However, if the situation is untrue in the past, then for the “if clause” is using past perfect form, and for the “result clause” uses “would” + Present perfect.
II. Discussion.
2.1 “If Conditionals” according to Betty S. Azar.
The writer finds that Betty Azar’s explanation is easier to be understood. It has clear and step-by-step elaboration on each of the conditionals.
The writer will discuss the “If Conditional” mainly from the point of Betty Azar’s view. The 5 types of “If Conditional” are:
A. Zero conditional.
Meaning of the “If Clause”
Verb form in the “If Clause”
Verb form in the “Result Clause”
True in the present/future
Ø Simple present
Ø Simple Present
Ø Simple present
Ø Simple present

Sentence examples:
v If you heat water up to 100 degree Celsius, it boils.
vIf I am late having my meals, I usually get a gastric.
If Clause
Relative Clause
If you heat water up to 100 degree Celsius,
It boils
If I am late having my meals,
I usually get a gastric

B. First conditional.
Meaning of the “If Clause”
Verb form in the “If Clause”
Verb form in the “Result Clause”
True in the present/future
Simple present
Simple future

Sentence example:
vIf I have enough money, I will buy a car.
If Clause
Relative Clause
Impossible at present but possible in the future
If I have enough money,
I will buy a car.

C. Second conditional.
Meaning of the “If Clause”
Verb form in the “If Clause”
Verb form in the “Result Clause”
Untrue in the present/future
Simple past
Would + Simple form
Sentence example:
vIf I had money, I would buy a car
If Clause
Relative Clause
Impossible at present and in the future.
If I had money,
I would buy a car.

D. Third conditional
Meaning of the “If Clause”
Verb form in the “If Clause”
Verb form in the “Result Clause”
Untrue in the past
Past perfect
Would + present perfect

Sentence example:
vIf I had studied harder, I would have passed the examination.
If Clause
Relative Clause
Impossible in the past.
If I had studied harder,
I would have passed the examination.

E. Mix conditional
Basically “Mix Conditional” is mixed between “second conditional” and “third conditional”, whether the “if clause” or the “result clause”.
Betty Azar in her book called Understanding and Using English Grammar, published by Prentice Hall, explains that frequently the time in the “if clause” and the time in the “result clause” are different: One clause may be in the present and the other in the past.
Example of “If Clause” in the past and “Result Clause” in the present:
Cause (Past)
Result (Present)
I did not obey my father,
So I get a consequence now.

If Clause (Past)
Result Clause (present)
If I had obeyed my father,
I would not get a consequence.

Example of “If Clause” in the present and “Result Clause” in the past:
Cause (Present)
Result (Past)
I am not a teacher,
So I did not know how to teach.

If Clause (Present)
Result Clause (Past)
If I were a teacher,
I would have known how to teach.

III. Conclusion
An “If Conditional” sentence is a sentence that use “If” in its conditional clause.
According to Understanding and Using English Grammar by Betty S. Azar, published by Prentice Hall, states that there are 5 types of the “If Conditionals”. The 5 types of “If Conditionals” are:
a) Zero Conditional
b) First Conditional
c) Second Conditional
d) Third Conditional
e) Mix Conditional
There are two clauses in conditional sentences. The “if clause” and the “result clause”. The way of writing the conditional sentences can be “if clause” first, then followed by the “result clause” or vice versa. The “verb form” used depends on the meaning or the situation of the “if clause”.

Cambridge International Dictionary of English. Cambridge University Press.
Azar, Betty S. Understanding and Using English Grammar. (2nd ed.). Prentice Hall Regents.
Murphy, Raymond. (1994). English Grammar in Use. (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press.
Foley, Mark. & Hall, Diane. (2003). Advance Learners’ Grammar. Pearson Education Limited.

Nonverbal Communication Fact.
Nonverbal Communication-information that is communicated without using words.
93% of communication is nonverbal
55% through facial expression, posture, gesture
38% through tone of voice

Nonverbals can include: Shaking hands, posture, facial expressions, appearance, voice, tone, hairstyle, clothes, expression in your eyes, smile, how close you stand to others, how you listen, confidence, your breathing, the way you move, the way you stand, the way you touch people, color choice, silence.
Nonverbal Messages
I. Visual

1. Kinesics

A. Facial

A facial expression can convey a great deal of information to others. For example, a student who gets a high score might smile more broadly than usual to indicate his/her happiness. While in Indonesia, a worker who gets a promotion at his work might smile more often to show his/her gratefulness.

B. Gestural
Gesture is a body language through the movements of head, hands and arms.

i. Emblems are body gestures that directly translate into words or phrases. For instance, a thumbs-up sign that means a good job, could also mean support in Indonesia. Emblems are also influenced by culture, so the use of one’s cultures emblem to other culture need to be carefully exercised. For example, shaking head, in the US, means no. But in Indonesia, in certain condition, it could mean angry or fed up.

ii. Illustrator is a body language that doesn’t have specific meaning or is generally understood the meaning. For instance, when giving a presentation, a person might use hand gestures to emphasize a point. In Indonesia, when talking about direction of a place, a person might use his/her hand to show that direction.

iii. Affect Display is a person’s body movements that convey feelings and emotions through facial expressions and body positions. These body movements may indicate whether a person is open, angry, or even distracted. A frowning face person is believed to be unhappy or stressful. A person with frowning face in Indonesia can be considered showing dislike.

iv. Regulators are behaviors that monitor, control, coordinate, or maintain the speaking of another individual. For instance, nodding head, when talking to someone means you tell the speaker to keep on talking. The same thing also occurs in Indonesia. But, in the US, when you want to take turn to speak, you could simply lean forward and open your mouth. While in Indonesia, some people may just do light patting on someone’s shoulder, to indicate that they want to talk.

v. Adaptors are typically unconscious behaviors and are used when a person is tense or anxious. For example, when someone is tense or nervous, he/she tends to bite his/her nails. In Indonesia, especially children, they also tend to bite their nails or suck their thumbs or fingers when they are tense or nervous, but for adults, they usually tap their finger(s) or move their leg up and down.

C. Postural
Posture and movements have a tremendous effect positively or negatively in terms of the final outcome. The way people stand, sit and pose, sometime has more effect than the message itself. For example, When a sitting down person lean forward, it implies that the person is open and interest. While sitting with the position leaning away shows disinterest. But for Indonesian, a person who leans away shows tiredness and may be bored.

2. Proxemics
Proxemics is the study of such interaction distances and other culturally defined uses of space. Each individual has his/her own personal space. For American people, the average personal space is 45-50cm, but for Indonesian people, the usual personal space is between 40-60cm. When conducting a meeting, it could range from 4 feet to 8 feet or 4 feet to 12 feet, depends on the number of the people. The same thing also happen in Indonesia.

3. Artifactual
Artifactual communication consists of messages that are human made, for example, communication through color, clothing and body adornment. For instance, yellow for American means caution, while for Indonesian, it means death. Clothing, wearing jeans to office is quite common in the US and not in Indonesia, although it is getting acceptable nowadays, especially for Friday.

II. Auditive

· Paralinguistic
Paralinguistic is the vocal cues that accompany spoken language, this is, the way we say words. For example, American people usually associate people who have low pitch voices with strength, sexiness, and maturity. While compare to Indonesian people, those who have low pitch of voices as lack of confidence.

III. Nonvisual Nonauditif

1. Tactile (Touch)
Touch communicates a wide variety of messages, it is perhaps the most primitive form of communication. People use touch to communicate nonverbally. Hand shaking is usually done for getting to know each other, especially for the first time in American. But for Indonesian, it is not only during the first meeting but also as greetings.

2. Smell Communication (Olfactory)
Smell communication is extremely important in a wide variety of situations and has now become a big business. The use of smell or aromatherapy has now been greatly used. For example, the smells of lavender and eucalyptus can increase alertness while rose oil reduces blood pressure.
Here in Indonesia, especially in Bali, they are also using aromatherapy for many purposes, originally in the form of incense.

Extensive Reading Assignment.
Lecturer : Bp. Parlindungan Pardede.
Prepared by: Hendra (0812157005)

A Passage Report of “When Science Fails”
Many non-Christians belief that Bible is actually wrong; Bible and science are contradictory. Because what the Bible say cannot be proven or what the science say is against to what is stated in the Bible. Thus, this book which is written by John Hudson Tiner tries to prove that science itself does not have all the answers; science and Bible are actually different. Science is to support what the Bible states. Science and Bible are two different ways of looking at the world. The author tries to see the science through the Bible view and to see the Bible from the science point of view.
This book revealed that some scientists had the bad habit of thinking that science has all the answers. There were experiments or research or thoughts that were considered right at one time but later proven wrong in later time. Take one as an example, there was a case of Rudolf Virchow, who flatly refused to belief Pasteur’s germ theory as the cause of the disease. As time passed, other scientists agreed with Pasteur, but Virchow, who had worked in medical research all of his life, simply couldn’t accept the theory.
The author mentioned an astronomy professor, who had spent his life studying the solar system, was using a text book that described Mars as a planet with a rather uninteresting surface because of its low gravity and high winds. Blowing sand would have worn mountains down to foothills, and valleys would be filled by drifting sand. Not long after that, there was an unmanned Mariner Spacecraft to Mars radioed back high quality photographs of the Martian surface. Instead of level plains and shallow valleys, the planet turned to have towering volcano cones, deep meteor craters, spectacular canyons that appeared to be the work of dried up rivers, and vast mountain ranges.
How many scientific “facts have proven false? In science, everything seems to be an interesting field of investigation. A short survey revealed an astonishing number of such cases. Bible has been tested in this way for four thousand years. Is there a science book that will be completely accurate four thousand years from now?
Some or even many people think that science and Bible cannot agree with each other. Max Born, the German physicist who won the Noble Prize in 1954, said,” Those who say that the study of science makes a man atheist must be rather silly people.” One of the greatest scientists of all time, Isaac Newton, spent his younger years studying sciences. As he grew older, he turned to Bible. “It keeps me from the study of scripture,” he said. He regretted the demand science took upon his time.
The author stressed that science and Bible are two different ways looking at the world. One is mainly concerned with physical matters and the latter, with the spiritual matters. Christian should not be too quick to accept scientific “facts” when the “facts“ come in conflict with the Bible. One of the hidden facts between science and Bible is caused by the fact that Bible was written before the beginning of science. When Bible talks about science, the words are not scientific words. Instead, Bible uses common, everyday language.
As an example of this, a scientist would say that rain is caused by condensation of moisture from the water vapor in the atmosphere. Gravity causes the liquid drops in the atmosphere to fall to the earth. While Bible, on the other hand, describes rain in this way: “All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again.” (Ecclesiastes 1:7).
Bible description is good science. That is exactly how it happens. No matter how the language is changed to put the statement into scientific terms, Bible account is one of the briefest, most concise, and accurate descriptions of the water cycle. No scientist could improve on it in as few words.
To make his explanation clear, the author uses many examples, whether from the science fact, or point of view; or from the Bible point of view. The use of the science fact or Bible is to support and to contrast every finding. The language used is quite simple, even though some scientific terms are used. The purpose of using the scientific terms is only to give examples and not to make the readers confused, thus, it makes reading interesting.
Besides its clear explanation, the author, also, provides factual data. The author tries to see science from the point of Bible view and to see the Bible from the science point o view, in order to make sure that Bible never contradicts with science. Furthermore, the step-by-step explanation brings the reader into a better understanding.
Finally, the main purpose of the author writing this book is, the author would like to open the readers mind, whether Christians or non-Christians that there is God who created the universe. It is God that hold the control of the universe. It is Jesus that created the universe, amen. GBU.

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